Prefence can assist in Choosing the reasonable path ultimately requires tackling sustainable development and differing societal preferences.Potential socio-economic and environmental impacts at the national and local level, perceptions of costs and benefits, measures of community engagement, underlying values, attitudes and political ideologies, as well as societal preferences, determine whether a particular electricity pathway, technology or project will receive either public support or be confronted with resistance and opposition.
As no vision of a future energy system, electricity pathway or technology ice value-neutral, opting for the most popular vision and Choosing a reasonable path ultimately requires rigging sustainable development and societal differing preferences together, rather than as separate issues.

Our Solution
Apply processes for eliciting attitudes, perceptions and preferences amongst relevant stakeholder groups in regards to different energy futures based on a sound knowledge about the complex relationship between different technologies and sustainable development at the national and local level;
Provide decision processes for how plans and strategies could be aligned with sustainable development objectives and stakeholder preferences;
Provide policy recommendations with policymakers, industry and civil society in order to increase public awareness, stakeholder engagement and societal acceptance for processes how the most preferred energy future can be decided at the national and local level.

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