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Preference on IVA´s 100-list

We are since 2019 one of the companies at the 100-list of The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences of successful research with a high commercial potential.
For more information see: (Swedish)
The Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) annually publishes a 100-list to highlight research from the Swedish universities. Research with potential for business. This year, the theme was digitization and our project “DecideIT” has been selected for the list. IVA’s 100 list is a list of research projects with a level of innovation that it could create new companies, new products and services, business development or other forms of benefits.
On march the 20´th, Aron Larsson and Kjell Borking were at IVA to talk about Preferences methods and the application projects that have been carried out in areas such as energy, environment and risk management. It was absolutely crowded, it has never before been so many at IVA and intensive when researchers had the opportunity to face the business community.
The evaluation committee has so far looked at about 320 projects and identified 67 research projects, the intention is to find 100 before the end of the year.
Read more at (In Swedish)

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